Page 91 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 91
The seasoll'v of :2.003 c(l.c(ll'v't tur-ll'v of tr,e va r-sl.tlj tea1!114. wer-ejor, ll'v agal.ll'vst tr,e ct-ts Tiger-s. The
out tr,e wa1:1L.t was expectec(. The wl.lsoll'v, Ml.tcr, sr,oup,, I~LClll'vS c(l.c(l!'v't co~ out
r~l.Clll'vS ft.l!',ec(, a :1.-:_9 pr,, Ml.R.e Hull'vtet; De~tr-l.c vl.ctor-l.ous, but tr,el:1 stl.ll pla!jec( a
r-ecor-c(. It startec( off well, a JacR.soll'v, Pat DClll'vl.els, Clll'vc( r,am ga~. 6\leY"!joll'vt put a lot of
vl.ctoY"lj over- Tilljlor- coull'vtlj, tr,e cr,a r-les Moor-e. "you Cl boll'vc( tl.~ Clll'vc( effort l.ll'vto tr,L.s seasoli\,,
ft.r-st ga~, but tr,e seasoll'v betweell'v 1:1our- tea1!114.1!114.Cltes, "sa i.e( all'vc( tr,el:1 ar-e looR.l.~ for-wam to a
c(l.c(ll'v't ft.l!', too well. 6Vell'v at sell'vl.or- Matt c;al.ll'velj. 6Vell'v better- r-ecor-c( ll'vt:Xt 1:1ear. 6\lell'v
tl.~ wr,ell'v tr,e lll'vc(!'vs R.ll'vew tr,ot-tgr, l.t was r,ar-c(, tr,er-e was tr,ougr, tr,e teCl1!114. l.s losl.~ 1!114.Clli\,lj
tr,er-e was ll'vD cr,all'vCe to cow.e so~tr,L.~ tr,er-e tr,at R.ept tr,e1!114. sell'vl.or-s, tr,el:1 stl.ll r,ave alot of
bacR., tr,el:1 stl.ll coll'vtLII'vuec( to gol.~, Clll'vc( wr,ell'v tr,el:1 wer-e out 1:1ou~ taleli\,t. Altr,ougr, tr,e
R.eep tr,e spl.r-l.t blj R.eepl.~ Oll'v tr,e ft.elc( pla!jl.~ tr,e ga~ l.t seasoll'v wasli\,'t too gr-eat, tr,e tea1!114.
tr,el.r- r,ea c(s up, Clll'vc( wor-R.l.~ r-ealllj sr,owec(. Dll'vt of tr,e 1!114.ost was stl.ll bacR,ec( blj tr,e scr,ool,
togetr,er- as a tea1!114.. The coacr,es gali\ll.ts pla!jec( tr,L.s 1:1ear- Clll'vc( fal!'vs. "Thalll.ks to tr,e coacr,es.