Page 139 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 139
tepping into the batter's box, an- of the game, but the winning hit, the
ticipating the perfect pitch, with the out tanding catch and the run-down
wink of an eye the ball slide into between third base and home plate
the catcher mitt. The adrenaline i will Ia t for a lifetime.
pumping cau ing sweaty palm and Each player ha given their all at
knocking knee a the next ball ap- each game, making every pitch, hit,
\1Iddle chool GirlS oftball Team proaches. run and catch inten e. With their
With the variety of action that take hard work, and determination, they
place on the diamond there is never have continually trived to be the
a dull moment. An amount of devo- be t.
tion is needed to produce the tre- Team members pull together and
mendous tamina used to play at the unite with trength and endurance
highe t level. which made bond that will be re-
Practicing everyday after chool to membered.
improve team focu and kill, the
players gather trongly needed confi-
dence. The camaraderie of ba eballi
oftball is omething all the team
member will remember.
Peanuts, popcorn, hot dog , and
cracker jacks add to the enjoyment
Girls JV oftball' Knsten Bas , Lindsey Bigelow, Bethany Cox, Starlet Delaney,
Damelle Gamey, Ashley Harrell, Ashley Jarrel, Bnttany Kent, hawna Kowalik,
Brandi McBeam, Kali Montogramy, Coach ielland
J\ Baseball Coach Re~>. Coach Blanchard, Billy Blanchard, Juhan Bonds. Chase Bremgton. Dustm Cason.
R)an Cnbb~. Chad F\an,, Matt hatcher, Bo K1rby. Tyler Sherrod, Da\ld Thompson ot P1ctured ~ Thomas
Bame . Alex Butler, Andy Gonzaley. Matt mllatz, Trcmame Smllh
Tabitha Odom
Josh Barton, Zack Bentley, Kyler Butler, Peter Cole. Mac ollin , George Dem-
ko, Alex Gilmer, Jay Harden, Levi Hatcher. Justm KorteSSiS, Taylor Morgan, Kyle
Pillars, Brandon harpe, Cody pm. Coaches Kenny Burt and Matt Huesman