Page 37 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 37
Under class
Its a sPan of three years_
three verY difficult years.
Throuehout this era of
hieh school life. the title of
"undersclassmer1" sticks
to YOU like an uiM!eakeine
JoAnna Oouetas
adhesive. This lone chaPter
of hieh school life can make
LYdia HaYes and Joie Hiers
YOU laueh. and it can make
YOU crY. It is so difficult at
times. YOU .maY want to close
the book. Yet most students
keeP on readine. It all beeins
with that horrible sinkine
feeline in Your heart ioined
with dozens of butterflies
flutterine in your stomach.
Emotion after emotion
JenneY. what are YOU UP
shows throueh Your bodY to now?
- anticiPation. neverousness.
excitement. and fear - all of
them crowdine your thouehts
as YOU trY to swallow it all