Page 74 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 74
Moving the ball down Steal the ball!
What do dida , Gatorade, weat, and hm guard all An important part of the game i bemg able to
have in common? They're all part of the ari ity, J , get pa t the other team' de fen e On de fen e
and M boy ccer team' daily routine. Dartmg left, you have to be able to get back fa t and teal the
lidmg nght, and hammering the ball, ball from omeone with a break away.
the e boy tear up the field. defen ive player mu t be very
Player · are pumped and ready when aggre 1ve and have lot of peed to
the wh1 tie blow . occer can get catch omeone running to the goal
brutal and many time the cleat w1th a break a\o\.ay. Offen ively and
become weapon not hoe . Many defen 1vely you have to be ready
player leave the field with more than to pa , hoot or clear the ball up
a few bump and brui e but it' all the field at all time . With practice
worth it to clench the v1ctory. dally, defen ive and ofTen 1ve player
Working a a team i difficult, but learned how to complete the e
for the e team 1t come natural. ta k .
II w1th one thmg m mmd winning. The team work
together to trive for one goal. Our boy occer team did their be t and howed
Running an average of 2.5 mile m a game, the player progre a the the ea on came to a clo e.
turn the ball into a blazing blur of black and white.
Varsity, JV, and MS
Boys Soccer