Page 109 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 109
:Niic:lc:lle Scllc»c»l 7 c»llel' Jail
helby i ready to thro the ball during warm-up .
h on walk off the court Je ica ub out during a
after making a pectacu- big home game.
lar play!
ront Row: ngel Dm da, Lynd ey talnaker, li on Wrence
Middle Row: oach Jade Waugh, Michelle Guthrie, Brett ealy,
hley Bechman, helby ole, oach Brandi verett. Back Row:
Mngr. aria Lewi , Je ica Miller, Holly Pohill, Jennifer Blake,
tephanie i cher, helby Moore
to tretch.