Page 120 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 120

Lett:  Tht• 'Var  H)  Ch  r  tnke a po e •
                                                                                              the  nd of th  1r dance

                                                                                              lklu\\ I el t.  I he  mty Dance  ream  trut
                                                                                              thetr stu II  un  the  tagc to  n  rgtze th  no\\d
                                                                                                         ·ot encourn   the:  mem
                                                                                               f the \ ar  It  I ootball te. m a  they ,tre r  ·og
                                                                                                              nt  ood).

        \b<.l\e:  The Indian !\.1ascut kicks off the
        Pep Rally  \\Jth a bang- Go Indian'>!
         hove Right.  I  that Coach Ri111  \\Orkm'
        at the car \\a  h '!  The tacult  dance team
        iloe.,  11  agam \\ tth a fun  mte:rpretation of a
        popular dance tune.

        R1ght  Sarah DeLoach pia)  up her part m
        the faculty  dance rout me   he dn\ e  her
        Jeep to the car \\a  h.

                                   Left:  Hctllc Lou Glenn stand  to be  reco •-
                                   nl/ed as l·ort Whne lltgh School\ olde:-.t
                                   alumm graduatmg m  19~5  !\.1s.  Glenn's
                                   grandaughte:r  manda Humphne  teachc'> at
                                   fH\   and her great-grandsons Logan and
                                   Landon Humphrie-. attend -.chool here.
                                   Right.  The JUnior., cheer for the -.pirit '>lick.
                                   Belo\\ Lett:  !\Irs. Shen Keen doe-. a great
                                   JOb as !\.1C at pep ralltc-..
                                   Belo\\  The JV cheerleader-., !\Iiddle School
                                   Dance Team, and the  Flag Team support the
                                   Indian-. \lith their talents.

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