Page 222 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 222
I don't think \\ords can c pres hm\ grateful I
am to ha\e you m m. hfc! You mean the \\Orld to
me.\\ hethcr I needed a shoulder to cr) on, som
one to hold m. hand or needed to kno\\ someone
c,1rcd you ha\c al\\ays been there!!
I ha\e \\atchcd you gnm and mature into a young
man that I am proud to call m. best fnend and
bo. friend! \\ hether you arc playing bas~.:ball,
·ho,,mg cattle or competmg. I hope you alway
kno'' that I am o proud of you. no matter \\hat
and that I behc\e in you!
Your faith m Ctod mspircs me. your passion for
your family inspires me and your lo\e for sport
and f f inspires me. You in pirc me'
Congratulations on graduatmg .. You dtd 11! I am
so proud of you!! I hope you kno\\ that I \\til
al\\ays be here fbr you through the good tunc
and bad. I IO\ e you "tth all of my heart!
I LO\e You
Rern~.:mbcr to al\\ays be you!
Be proud of\\liat you ha\C accomplish d'
Smile bccau 'you can!
Ila\ c fatth m yourscl f!
l la\C faith m (,od tmd dcstmy!
C\ r lose your pas wn!
and 'c\Cr C\~.:r gt\C up!