Page 231 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 231
Serio US Scholars
Chcalsea Jossi "To under- Brandon Kent "The more you Brandon Keys grant
b.:ah talent \\hen talent cia ~men, . ta; strong and speak. the less your words in a moment what toil can
doc~n 't ''ork hard, so set most 1mportant: Bclie'c in mean So wh; O\cr do ir>" hardly ach1e'e man age."
;our goals h1gh and don't God and youself."
senlc for less."
Rebecca Mahony "\\'hat
would you do wuh only one
day left to li\c'! 'ow, go. do 11
Vane sa chcublc "\\:hen you
try you'' 111 nc\cr fa1l, but
when )OU fail to If), )OU,\C
cheated ;ourself"
Jesse m1th "L1ve h fe to the
fullest and nc\er forget )OUr
dreams. When you know ot Pictured
''ho you arc and what your
dreams arc nothmg can ever Terrence Bonner
icole 0 dge
~top you"
Kn ten Harn n
Jon Maxwell
Jennifer Rowan
you don't need the mone;. Tim immon
LO\C ll\e you''e nc,cr been
hurt, and dance hke no one\