Page 65 - 2007 Tomahawk
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Christopher Deese: BIRTHDAY: 3-6-89 FAVORITE FOOD: Blue cheese steak. AFfER IDGH SCIIOOL:

            arah DeLoach: ACTIVITIES: Cheerleader (9-12, 9-captain), Beta club (9-12, 11-secretary), NHS (9-12), track
          (11), softball (9), ASTRA (12), LEAK (12). BIRTHDAY: 5-1-89 FAVORITE FOOD: Hash, or anything my
          grandmothers cook. AFTER IDGH SCHOOL: After high school I plan to further my education at Santa Fe
          Community College. Later 1 plan to transfer to FSU. There I will receive my degree in International Relations, from
           there I plan to attend Law School at the Univer  ity of Florida. 1 would eventually like to find my  elf working in the
          Houses of Parliament in London, England.

            icole Dodge: ACTIVITIES: Drama club,  H  , Beta, volunteer at Lake Shore and Shands, band (9 and  10),
           culinary student (9-12), FCCLA member. BIRTHDAY: 4-15-89 FAVORITE FOOD: Italian/French AFrER IDGH
           SCHOOL: Obtain my A.S degree, work on towards my bachelor  , and hopefully get my M.D in OB/GYN.

           Ben Dougla  : ACTIVITIES: Varsity football, Varsity Baseball. BIRTHDAY: 8-6-89 FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza
           AFfER IDGH SCHOOL: Go on to college and become a Florida Highway Patrol.

            aitlin M. Eichorn: ACTIVITIES: NHS, Beta, Scribbler  , Mu Alpha Theta. BIRTHDAY: 5-23-89 FAVORITE
           FOOD: Pizza Hut pizza. AFTER HIGH SCHOOL:  allege; find  uccess in career and per onallife.

            arab Faulkner: ACTIVITIES: Cheer (9,11,12),  occer (9-12, 10-12 captain), FCA, Hosa (9-12, Senior cl~s vice
           president, Miss Fort White High School2006. BIRTHDAY: 2-10-89 FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken Vino Blanco
           from Olive Garden. AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Attend a 4-year college and get my Bach. In nur  ing then get my
           masters in pharmacy.
           Carmen Figueroa: ACTIVITIES: Soccer, Ho ·a, NHS, Beta, DCT, and German club. BIRTHDAY: 1-16-88.
           FAVORITE FOOD: Pasta (Italian food). AFTER HIGH S  HOOL: I want to be a dental hygienist and eventually be
           a dentist. While going to college I want to play  occcr at a university.

           Dominique Figueroa : ACTIVITIES: BasketbaJI, DCT, FCA, German club, and Educational talent search.
           BIRTHDAY: 1-16-88. FAVORITE FOOD: Sub  . AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: I want to become a first grade teacher,
           while working and being a teacher at 02B Kid  .

           J essica Lynn Gayheart: ACTIVITIES: Varsity cheerleading (10-12, captain 2006), FCA (9 and 12), Scribblers
           (12), Beta club (9 and 12),  oftball (9-12), ba ketball (9 and  10). BIRTHDAY: 9-23-8  . FAVORITE FOOD:
           Chicken Alfredo pasta. AFTER IDGH SCHOOL: Plan to go to Santa Fe Community College and get a business
           degree in Real Estate.

            Jon Gilmer : ACTIVITIES: Football (9-12), basketball (9-12), baseball (9 and 12). BIRTHDAY: 6-27-89
            FAVORITE FOOD: Tex-Mex. AFfER illGH SCHOOL: Go to college and play football.

            Jared Gilmer: ACTIVITIES: FootbalJ, basketball, ba eball, NHS, Anne  . Rumph, Beta. BIRTHDAY: 8-28-89.
            FAVORITE FOOD: Lru.agna.  AFTER IDGH SCHOOL: Play football in college.

            Janelle Gonzalez: ACTIVITIES: Hosa (9-12), FCA (9-12). BIRTHDAY: 7-13-89. FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza.
            AFfER HIGH SCHOOL: Graduate from college with a degree in nursing.

            John D. Graham ''Dusty": ACTIVJTIES: Ho a (9 and 10), JV football (9), military club (10 and 11), DCT club
            (12). BIRTHDAY: 4-12-88. FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza, Chinese food, deer meat. AFfER HIGH SCHOOL: Go to
            college. Maybe go in the Army or go to a detailing  chool.

            Whitney Octavia Graham: ACTIVITIES: NHS, Pep club (pre ident), Anatomy and Physiology Award (11),
            ROSA, FCA, JV basketball team (10, M.l.P), 9th grade class pre ident. BIRTHDAY: 1-31-89. FAVORITE FOOD:
            Double ding with white rice from Guang Dong. AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Hopefully after college I wish to attend
            either the University of Florida or Santa Fe Community College and go on to Med. School.

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