Page 125 - 2008 Tomahawk
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Below: Senior Nicole Waddington make, v  .

     an amazing play to fend off the Ha~ton  ars tty

                        County TroJan  .                             Girls Soccer

       Bottom: 2007-2008 Var ity Captain  :
   Junior Porcha Bird, Senior Brittany Onortai,   The  2007-2008  soccer season  has  be!'n  one  of the  best seasons  this  soccer
         nior Nicole Waddington, and  enior
                       Elizabeth Weddle.        program  has  ever  seen.  The  team  this  year as  a  whole  was a  very  young  team
                                                with  a  lot  of inexperienced  players  who  had  never  played  at  the  varsity  level

                                                before.  This  team  had  to  overcome  many  obstacles  such  as  not  being  able  to
                                                practice  as  a  team  due  to  other sport  activites.  injuries,  and  advanced  academics
                                                to  reach  their main  goal  for  the  season,  to  make  it  back  to  the  state  playoffs.

                                                That's  exactly  what  this  team  did.  For  the  second  consecutive  year  the  Fort
                                                White  Lady  Indians  went  to  the  first  round  of the  state  playoffs  to  play The

                                                Bolles  School.  Even  though  they  did  not  win,  this  group  of young  ladies  did
                                                what  they  do  best.  They played  with  heart and  intensity.  All  year  they  had  been
                                                working  toward making  it  to  the  playoffs  and  all  that was  asked  of them  is  that

                                                they  play  the  best game  they  could  possibly  play.  The  team  is  losing  nine seniors
                                                this  year  which will  put  the  Lady  Indians  back  to

                                                where  they  started  this  year,  a  young  team  with
                                                little  experience.  o  matter  how  young  the  team,
                                                though.  the  one thing  these  ladies  are  known  for

                                                is  playing with  their  heart  and  always  doing  their
                                                best.  E\·en  though  they  are  losing  nine  seniors  the!
                                                                                               Head Coach: Perry Sauls
                                                still  have  a  very  strong  group  of underclassman
  De  ire is the key to motivation, but         who  are  ready  to  take  the  reins  and lead  their  team  to  another succe ·sful
  it'  d  termination and commitment to
  an  unrelenting pursuit of your goal- a
  commitment to  excellence- that will
  enable you to  attain the success you

            - Mario Andretti

  2007-2008 Seniors: Keeper Danika Lubold, Midfielder                                K  eper Danika Lubold make  an amazing
  Emely Haviaras, Midfileder Sabrina Culpepper, Midfielder   aptians and Coache  meet on the field
                                                before the Lady Indians play the Bolles   ave again  t Hamilton County.
  Brittany Kent, Midfielder/Striker Elizabeth Weddle,
                                                School in  the first round of the state playoff .
  Midfielder Nicole Waddington, Midfielder Sydnee Reeder,
  and Striker/Midfielder Brittany Onorati.

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