Page 136 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 136
Top: Paige Bussey and Hillery Duperly, the only seniors on the
team th1s year, really learned what it ment to be leaders.
Above: Freshmen Kat1e Coffey shows an excellent example
of a jerk in the cling and jerk event.
I freshmen Bren eal) shows ofl her good form and ama11ng strength during the ding and Jerk
2. ophmorc Ali ha Kramer keeps her fO<:u and determination wh1le the crn"d ltxu es on her he lore Jerl.m up her
3. emors Hlllef) Duper!) and Pa1ge Bu~ C) and lreshmcn Katie Co fie) and Bren cal). ho" their excitment for
the onl) home meet thi )Car. The meet was was agamst Su,.annee and anta f'e and the f·nrt Whue Lad) Ind1ans d1d
their best to try and come up on top.
Coache Hunter and Bu ey