Page 15 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 15

The senior bre  kfa  t,  a way for
                                                                                          the . enior  to  p  nd their "last"
                                                                                          fir  t da  of school. Por the cia  s
                                                                                          of 200  it  was  the  fir  t chance
                                                                                          we  got  to  gathe  and  bond  a
                                                                                           eniors. A little  v  r half of the
                                                                                          clas  attended  the  festi  ities  at
                                                                                          Brittany Onorati 's hou  e, taking
                                                                                          part in activite  such as making
                                                                                          crowns. eating brcakfa  t treats,
                                                                                          andgettinge  citedabouttheday
                                                                                          ahead.  Pd  nd  hip.  were  te  ted
                                                                                          and  new  bond · were  made but
                                                                                          the  class  of 2008  till  came in
                                                                                          like a parade~
                                                                                                       --Hillery Duperly

                                                                                           1.J ... t~.-...  C..~pkU ~....;... c..:z .. ~
                                                                                          lM l>t4i~<' 1l~,t .. ~ t/.'-' k~­
                                                                                           z.s.:.k~-- c..ttup~ MJ...  p,.,..4J. H .. >M,u,
                                                                                          ~....;... .~"'-« .. k-.~ .d..IX't,  .f..wu "-
                                                                                          ~,_i ... ~ U'-~ tk<V.  "'""'"""
                                                                                           3,F,-.~.,~ .!..<)<4~   lM~'l ,.,,..'-c~ p~ ~
                                                                                          t~,....,t~~ (.«.
                                                                                           t..T..k~-. Ct-.,,  £i'-&"'J ~t-1, H~f.k"f
                                                                                           ~t.,. a....i Sat-t-.-. C. 't-z'PP"' w,.,"
                                                                                          k-. '-"'"'P",..u.., ti.A.~M..i tk<~'l 1..4,1-.

                                                                                             Above:  Steph~n L) nch,  Dakota C  rpentcr,
                                                               begm th  1r                   \rnbcr !l.urell,   lll}n \  11  on.  le  Au tier.
                                                              uttltud.                       and  Btll)  Blan  hard  ho"  the1r   citmem
                                                                                             to be  mon

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