Page 190 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 190
enior Year!! Wow, what an adventure you ave
led u on! From Softball, Ba ketb.1ll, Volleyb.1ll 1
4-H Hor e Show Jr. Rodeo, Jack Pots, Barrel
R.lce rill Team, ceer how .... You named it
and seem like we did it! We have loved lhe lime
pent with you, and we know you .ue
up nd looking forward to new
....... some without us. We w.lnt you to
know we tand behind you cheerin as you re,\ h
to obtain the goals you h.we sec for your elf.
Keep thos oals in the forefront of what you do,
but rem mb r to laugh and have fun as you go.
We love you!!