Page 63 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 63

A h\cly bunch of lOth grader' surltheir
                                                                                            \\a) through the  lmdan Uprising during
                                                                                            the 'ophomore sl..n.

                                                             Sophomore class officer\
                                                             Top left:   mber Harrell. Vice  Pre'>•dent
                                                             Top Middle   arah r-.1oran. Secretary
                                                             Top R1ght  Ka1tlyn  Van  lku\cn. Hl\tonan
                                                             rar left  Counney  Peruyero. Treasurer
                                                             Left.   na  Na' arro. Prc,idcnt

   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68