Page 152 - 2010 Tomahawk
P. 152
I can't 11elieve this year is coming to an end, it seems like just yes-
terday I was walking up to school wearing my senior crown! I have
had such much fun this year and I will always rememl1er the friends
I have made, the laughs, and all of the wonderful memories. I want
to thank my family for everything, they have helped me 11ecome
the person I am today and have always encouraged me to follow
my dreams. This year I had a 111ast in Ms. warren's class, prol1al11y
11ecause she is an awesome teacher 11ut she taught me so much
and we have all put so much time and effort into this yearl1ook. So
as you turn each page I hope memories come 11ack and you remem-
11er how much fun we have all had!