Page 168 - 2011 Tomahawk
P. 168
I st.artecf wort{;
ing on year6ook} my
freshman year ana con-
tuzued -with it unti[ now 7n)'
senzor year ancf I'm gfaa 6ecause
I've maae it tv an editor position.
1 've fiaa so much fun 'l.vorl{fng fzere for
tfze past t'l(IO years with Ms. Warren ancf the
stuaents of 6otfi t.lie 2009-2010 ana 2010-2011
year6oo~ We've haa many st.ruggfes 6ut we afso fiaJ
many great moments ana tfiis is an C.:(]Jen'ence t.fzat. I wzfT
a[ways remem6er fonn here on out. 11iank} for a great time
guys ana to those rooR.Jes retunzing as 'C:ets ne>;t year gooa [uck,
mza fim:e jun its fiarcf 6ut WOftfi it.