Page 184 - 2011 Tomahawk
P. 184
}ama o Me IS ha ds down mos defianlly an arl. ~wg
an Art M~or ail hroughoul my Wigh school experience has
opened my eyes lo lhe lrue mean1ng of whal or lruly .s. Art
lo me, as I have known 1l lo be, IS a y form o self express1on.
·I comes 1n many forms and almost always each and every
orm ends lo lie hand 1 hand. have always been a 2 -D arlisl.
pa1nbng. drawing. ske ch1ng. wrihng. elc .... have also spenllme
w1lh lhealre also. have much love for lhe lhealre and lhe ones
who lake pride tn and on s slage. Art ,s freedom of lhe soul.
and should be acknowledged and freely 1ncorporaled hroughoul
al o our curriculum. Ar doesn't judge. il only offers warm
welcoming applause lo !hose who care lo islen.