Page 205 - 2011 Tomahawk
P. 205
9{.!Jou can imC~_Jine if,
.lfou can achieve it
lf{.!Jou can lream it,
.!JOU can he orne it ·
1Ue are so very proucf o{.!Jou ancf
!JOur accom~fjshments.
1fou have the ahifjf1:; to succeed
1<J;memher that we nave heen here
ancf wiff afwa.!Js he here for .!JOU.
1Uith af( our fove, Mom, 1Jac!,
7om, Nann_y, Charfes, 3 .
(Jranlma ~ (Jrancfcfal,