Page 115 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 115
from me. I played on the feam +h·c:.
Coach' 5 trainings wr>rr> intr>ns prepare us
ic +ory. The es we played were cherished
aments. e played to
liali~~iiJirfli!iliPto~~ best of our ability in
~ every game and we put up
good fight.
1. Jo~ Sharpe rest between play. 2. Josh Cnbbs
5 eol5 the ball oga1nsl h1s opponent. } Josh passes
lhe ball to h1s teammate. 4. ~rayden runs towards
the bat ). The players are resl1ng between quarles.
6. Logan Greenwaldk::' yle and k::' yle Sharpe are gell1g
ready for defense. 7. Sharpe IS bnng the ball up the
eld to gel h1s shot. 6. Chnslopher Rodnquez attempts
lo pass the ~randon Warvey