Page 12 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 12

l:   from  left  to  r gbt:  ary   pp.  l(endall  Lee.  Sara   51Ca  Long.  l(ayla  William5,  errence  ~ryan!. Zach
    _,.,rv,nholl,  Chel5ea  ~ore. ~ody 1-loward.  Zach  Smith.  ~{ode Richard5on.  ~randon Sharf?e.  Rebecca  Uart.  ~ryce ~each. Abbie
  111  ;u;~~-. A5hley  ~eckman. Ryan  Cotrell,  Lynce  Stalna  er.  Jordyn  Uood.  Dan1elle  Leon.  ~a5ey ~lanchard. Ashley  Co!v1n.  Ca1thn
  Congi.  Amy  Mathews.  l(ayla  ~ryan. Ashley  Uowie.  Michael  Uamirick.  [mily  Millon.
            To *'t


            Meagan  Cole.
            and  her  friends
            smile  for  the

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