Page 187 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 187

. Zlm1  ?i'!rof.,;            ~dt m/, '76.;..             V!t{ll! 7: rl(i II

                                                              "Ward  war     beals  I alent
      "Doubt  you  doub s.  and                                       when  lalenl
      be 1eve   you      beliefs.  "     Romans  1:16             doesn't  work  hard.     Josiah  M,ller  for  pres,dentl
             -Sw,khfool                                                                            One love."
                                                                     - Trm    of  e

                                        r);  '   r;;   .
                                        :J'"''''' '1  . 1•1111(11

     • Uere  you  leave  today  and   "Were  you  eave  today  and                             "Life  I fe  w1 houl  regret.
     en'er  the  world  of  ye5terday.   enter  tne  world  o  ye51erday.   "Always  look  a  ead  of  you.   Don't  be  5omeone
        tomorrow.  and  fanta5y."    tomorrow.  a  d  fanta5y."    never  beh1nd  you.          who  I ey'll  forget.
             -Wa!  D15ney                -   at  D15ney          YOLO"  -Miles  Dav1s               -U  nown

                                                                  "Destiny's  no  molter
       lveryone  expecls  me     "Were  you  leave  today  and
           Ia  fa I but  only    en er  the  world  of yesterday.     of  chance.          Who ever  your  past  has
        ~od  nows  I won't."       tomorrow.  and  fantasy.·    It's  a molter  of  cho1ce."   been.  your  future  1s  spot ess.
                                                                   1lliams  Jenn1ngs  ~ryan
                                           all  Disney
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