Page 207 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 207
Three years ago we stepped nto
h1gh school believ1ng that we owned lhe
place. No longer the lowly freshmen.
we had a new allliude. Still 1ndiv1dua s
search1ng for themselves. loo 1ng to
Jit 1n. want1ng to achieve someth1ng.
We followed our do ly routnes. got
our permts. expanded our c1rde of
fnends. and talked cl:>out parlies. Three
years ago we made a new best fnend.
went out w1th our fnends every weekend.
thought we were too mature for school dances.
Three years ago we co
upptr Ltft
1\ Wrenc.h G ~ryc.e
~eac.h po5e for a
piC lure n the parkng
tot on the r51 day of
\0 t\lt \t ft fnerxh
Sarah (hornber5.
egan lng i5h. and
enddl lee Shere thelf
lime together at Servor