Page 234 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 234
Fr/JrVl !lot mom nf ~w Were plactd ' 'VItj ll.r and M" e~ts ioc d 1
knew 1 Vvuf rYilt IYllj mrili;lol 'iw !lot ~M't~ woman trot 1 alwllljS
want-ed tv b . 'iw confrtve 1-o llJVill.l m and m prwd. 1 kn()W' trot
w t w·,ll su ~ovr namt '3~lb~, 'IOIJ Will tAL
1n ~~~ts ont d~ and 1 w OJjS be YVl~ l·rHie
look forwtUd t-o sfru1d_ 1r AAd ruw OJjS be .
in~ btsidt ~ov and look_ a.rl- No ma.fter
·fl~ vp and rtmtmber·lt1~ how f ~ov mOJj ~o
all of ~ momtnts fuat fiJlflll ~ow
brov~~t- ~ov t-o rt- kttp .,.,...._.~, . CAA tilw OJjS come
---17®r., t1s on plan A and
bru;k ~OYVlt Nuf-i (:
sea f at fWlst t-o dtU t
0 , ,£,*'{)))
t-o tA-sk abovf- plan B.
CMSt W~n ~OV btlitV t
wi/t, aJI af 1M' If and ~w v e f 11i/t, fl, r e tS no ~ian
B is llotre? 1 love ~w ~ r *'an !lot s ~
LOVt, Mom