Page 241 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 241
In Remembrance of Katelyn Rose Lydick
March 30, 1993- August 14, 201 1
She 1:/(ed be:n:; called ''Kat" ... I called her /Yllj
sunsh:ne. She was Known as Kat:e .f' oSe dur:n:J
ch:ldhood un611 M:ddle school, and by h~'qh
SChool was addreSSed as ~elY,!' btd her Ff'iendS
called her Kat .
She was a/ LAX¥.S otdqo:n:; a.nd adventurous w:th a
lov'e .f'or art. 4t tne aqe o.f' /:ve she started
draw:n:; peo?le, w:th a .5?_ec:al :nterest :n .f'a.ces
a.nd eyes. Kat ev'o.;ed ?_ortra:ts, 3-:0, a.bstra.ct and
nature SCeneS. She also ev'o.;edjournal:sM a.nd
dance btd _?hotc:3raphy tA.X<S her 'hobby. One o.f'
her .f'un th;n<::jS to do was to dreSS up a.nd tal(e
p:ctures o.f' nersel.f'. rt-:ends and nature were also
.f'a-/or:te Suqiects o.f' her art:st:c endea-/orS. Kat
had sue h a ii-ee lov';n:J sp:r:t, she was very SMart
a.nd ai£UC¥S had a pos:-t:ve att:tude. 4 beaut:.f'ul
SM:Ie a.nd a wondei-.f'ul persona/:ty were her best
attr:btdes. She would alwa;s MaKe you laaqh,
ev'c:yed Many' .f're:nds a.nd was lov'ed dearly. Ka6e
had bloSSoMed :nto a beaat:.f'ul .f' oSe that the
sunSh:ne sh:nned upon.
She w:ll al~s be lov'ed, .f'oreVer M:ssed, a.nd
neVer .f' or3otien. .f'eMeMber her a/ wa;s. Keep her
.f'oreVer :n your hearts ...
I really M:ss you.'
Lov'e you Lots t