Page 25 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 25
1 tC\Ano OlAV\
on CWVlpvS J J
When you look up the de~nition
of echnology in the die tionary If will
~ ... he branch of knowledge that
ls wLth the creatLon and use
technLcal means and theLr
terrelatLon wLth life, socLety,
the envLronment, drawLng
upon such subjects as Lndus-
trLal arts, engLneerLng, applLed
When S u ents have a passion for an activity or scLence, and pure scLence ... "
sport they often put in overtime hours outside of
G yes. this is true. Were at ~ort
school. Usually this happens almost everyday or at
White. we like to call it lnnov tlt1on.
least a maJOrity of the week. Sports spend endless
lfiiciency even. Technology is a part
hours practicing and conditioning. [nvwomental Clubs
such as Leak and ffA spend their time putting in of everyday life. ecspecially in a
commun1ty service ours. In Yearbook we spend late student's. Trust me! I am one. Any-
nights workin away. All of th1s shows their edica- thing to make the day easier helps.
tion to our school and our commun1ty.
On campus we have many new
innovations. Tina Larsen uses her
knovV\td~t of technology to leave
her lessons with a substitute using
recordings of her voice G videos
of her notes to help us through the
~~.;... ... .r-d,.., s that she happens to be absent.
- .... " s are now teo_ fr"ltnd\V1
as well! Using less paper with 1-1
·re Calculators. manufactured by
Texas Instruments. we are able to
create charts. graphs. linear equa-
tions G even do our exams with
ease G without the paper.