Page 52 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 52
soul. ..
• s. Art ruly IS the w1ndow to the soul. Some
peop ~nd 1! eas1er to wnle a poem or verbal1ze exactly
how they feel, but for others they choose to e press 1t
through p inilng. drawing. or moulding day. True self
express1on s when we are able to artrculale what 1s on 1-
nal wdh n us and 1is very mporfanf. I feel that a dy
and everybody should feel as ff)ough they co
themselves without 1nterrupl1on.
Art IS good for several reasons. ~mn researc con rms
hal Arts education strengthens sluderl pr le s lv ng
and cnl1cal lh1n 1 g s 1 s. adding to overall ac.adem1c
ach1evemenl. schao. success. and preparahon for the
work world. Art classes prov de students a chance to
develop cogn1i1ve ana creal ve sk Is. and to deve•op the1r
mag1na 1ons.
ror some students Art 1s the1r mot vat on for comrng to
school and an area where they have success or excel.
prov1ding an mporlanl balance 1n lhe1r to•a educa 1onal
expenence .
... he arts leach our students to be more tolerant and
open through mull cul ural and h1s onca perspecilves and
through lhe1r 1nvolvemenl 1n the creahve process lse l
Due to the collaborailve nature of art. sludenls develop
cruc1al sk lis 1n cooperahve dec1S1on-makrng. leadershrp.
clear commun1cahon. and complex problem solv1ng wh1le
work1ng wilh others
Regular parlic1pal on 1n the arts develops self confidence.
self-dlsc1pline. pers1slence. and the knowledge of ow to
make multiple rev1s1ons to create h1gh quah y work.