Page 36 - 1990 Tomahawk
P. 36

ocus 0                                       MIDDLE  SCHOOL

                           1989  was  indeed  the  year  of  the  middle  school.  When  Fort  Whi  e  was
                        selected as  he pilot site for Columbia County, a great many changes were in
                           The firs  major change was  he initiation of theT-A (Teacher-Advisee) class
                        in  he morning. T -A is designed to foster better teacher ;student relationships.
                        Planned activities became a  part of the program, but Wednesday morning
                        was organized for social interaction.
                           Another change included extension of salad bar privileges to sixth graders.
                        Additionally,  more socialization  was  permitted after lunch.  Hosts  of reward
                        activities were in tiated. Intramural sports, dances, and videos were used to
                        reward positive behaviors.
                          Middle school has proven to be an opportunity to develop a "family identi-
                        ty"  in  Jhe  learning  environment.  It's  time;  we  are  TOO  COOL  FOR  ONE

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