Page 37 - 1970 LCJH Falcon
P. 37
shaking little voice said, le e air, Help · ho •
Co posing self I reached for the emaciated littl hand. This
child couldn't be older than nine. He had a congenital defect in hie
right ar.m. His steps ere not ste~ as h certainly had a bad cas
of rickets.
His hand felt so sma.ll in mine. Inst d of t ling like a big
man I felt like ad arf. He was the leader--! as th foll er.
I took him first to get so thing to e t. He gobbled and stuff d
himself to the fill. I looked at him across the tabl • H r turned
the stare with a small smile.
When I asked him if he anted so ice ere the s nd e,ye
lit up. I never kne the maturity of a man.
We alked on to ard his home. His blac head was high and those
brown almond eyes had the maturity of a man.
At the next street the boy said, This is far enough. I can
I smiled at him, ruffled his long black hair and only wished that this
wasn •t his situation. I as ttached to him, I as attached to all of
these children, but now it as time to say good bye.
"Good bye, Tung-Ang", I said , "Good bye.
The little boy, the miniature man hobbled away. He had given m
a meaningful, reflective afternoon.
I turned and lked down the street.
I reached in 11\1 hip pocket for ley' allet. The familiar bulge
wasn't there.
I turned. Two blocks down sat Tung-Ang counting ley' ne,y.
This story was judged best 1n our Be d short tory oontest.
Science Fair 1970
This years science fair was held
in the Veterans emorial Hall. There
ere about 120 entries from all three
grades. The winners and their project
9th Grade
Jst place
Steve Dozier - Eclipse ·
2nd place
John icely - Electric motor
3rd place
John Goff - Rocket
8th Grade
1st place
Joy Hamm - Plant propagation
Wendie uhn - Constellations
7th Grade
Kenneth McConkey - Color chang
1st place
caused by sinus hormone
Dale Vasco - Volcano Jeffrey Harrington - Juvenile hormo s
Marc Vann - Paint and insect metamprphosis
Gene Schreiber - Taxidermy
2nd place
2nd place Cathy Arnold - Heart
Karen Wise - Plant propagation Sharon ettles - Volcano
Beau Bro n - Plant evolution Chris Sobe - Hurricane gen rator
Charis Rihberg - Colors Mary Chappelle - Flowers
3rd place
Nancy Jernigan - NBC warfare 3rd place
Douglass Baker - Radio, electronic
Beth Bray - Paper processing Jay Cobia - Extending the lif of
Art Butler - Electricity
an oil well
35 Jeanne Collins - Insulation
Cindy B ling - Man against rats