Page 4 - 1970 LCJH Falcon
P. 4

Mr.  Philip  Browning

                 Mr.  Brownill      s  been
             the  princi        t  Lake  City
             Junior  High  !  r  eleven years.
                 that        our  school  has
             grown      t17       ma.JV'  change a
             hav  take  place.  Mr.  Br  nine
             ha     et these  changes  ith an
              y  toward  th  future  and
             stabilizing hand  on  t       ex-
                ri nc  ot the  past.
                Mr.  Br      g,  a  gr  duate  of
               e  t  Florida,  taught  agriculture,
             sci  c   1   and  math  be! r  b  -
             c    n  our  pr  cipal.
                 All  of the  stud nt  and  t  achers
             under  hi  jurisdicti        re  pect
             him,  and      are  proud  th  t  e
             have          of principle  for
             our  principal:  Mr.  Browning.

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