Page 11 - 1971 Falcon
P. 11

Right  Front:  Gar y  Bush  Pau       horras ,   rry  Bryant ,  John  nman,
                                      Bouby  Coker ,  Se  n  Carson,  David  Church ,  Sylvester
                                        ens ,  Bruce  An  rson,  ob  rt  ~ohnson ,  ~lex She  ard ,
                                      Mr .  Browning,
                      Left  Fr ont :  Kimberly  Guffey,  Janice  Poole,  Jeannie  wens ,  Danny
                                      Ominski,  Andy  Greek,  Erik  Knudson,  Phi  ip  er  ach,
                                      and  John  Moore .

               VOLU  TEER  FLAG  RAISE  S

               James  (  Bubba  )  MCDonald
              Bud  Moody
              David  1-'.Lilligan

        The  flag  raisers,  raise  the
        f l ag  at  8:00  A. 4.,  and  take  it
        down  at  2:55.  They  are  very
        important  in Lake  City Junior
        High.  They  are  also  responsibl e
        for  our  flag,  and  take  good  care
        of  it.
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