Page 57 - 1972 Falcon
P. 57

rst  Rows  left  to  right)-~dward Shipp,Clayton  Eetee,Ch  ryl  Charles,  impy

                    hite,Van  Olivdr  Garbett.Second  Rows(laft  to  right)-r~rri Bed  nbaugh,Debert
                    lexander,Lex  Oars  ell,~uy Suth~ rland.rnird Ro  s(l~ft  to  ril ht)-Brenda  Rose,
                  Summer  Summ3re,Fourth  Ro  s(left  to  ri6ht)-Joley  illiame,Cathy  Po  ers,rhom  a
                  Sutherland,  ldorn~a  llan.OfficeresPresident-Ch  r.m  Baker,Vice  Preei  ant-Guy,
                   3utherland,Secretary-Arnita  Pinkay,rreaeurar-Jeffrey  Thom  e,Student  Council
                  _Representative-Teresa  Bradley.
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