Page 24 - 1974 Falcon
P. 24

Helping  Where

                                                  Th   chool  nur  ,  Mrs.  Da1sy   ettles,  get  assi  tance  from  nurs  's  aid  : David Cane,  arol  n
                                                  Br 'tz,  Ra  Daugh  rt~,   lvia  ollins,  and Tamm  Mahan.  ot pictur  dare: Keith  Hud  on, Car-
                                                  m  n  Hunt  r,  and  B  tty  Williams.

             L1brar  \\orkero;;  roup  m  front  of  the  tacks.  The~ are  alphabetical!~. C'md~ Adkin'>,  Edward  Amerson,  Peggy  Ballard,  David  Br  wer,  5h  rry
             (am per, Knsty ( ummm  , All(ia Dav1  ,  .aria  D1xon,  T err~ Do< kerL Tim  Dortch, Tracie  Ha1r,  Charles Harris, Julie Jones, Angelene Mizell, Jane
             Mo  d  ,  Kath · Moor  ,   ordon  P 'rry,  libby  Pow  II,  Ronald  Robinson,  Mary  m1th,  Hugh  Whit  ,  Dorothy  Williams,  K1m  Williams.
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