Page 74 - 1974 Falcon
P. 74

omplim  nt  of
                                                                            BROW  REALTY

            Pur  er's  Pharmacy                                                  And  Abstract


           D  oto  Drug  tore                                          3       orth Marion                  752-3561

                                                                           Ab  tracts-Life  lns.-Real  E tate

                                                                            Editor's  Postscript

                                                                  It'  fini  h  d!
                                                                  Th  big  job  of putting  togeth  r  the 1974  Fal  on  i  o  r at
                                                                Ia  t.  While many peopl  helped to make our vague  eptember
                                                                dream  of the  book  into a  May  reality,  a  few  were  e  peciall}
                                                                willing and  abl  to assi  t  in  the  task.
                                                                   orne  of  the  faculty  members  I  would  like  e  pe  iall  to
                                                                thank are:  Mr . Lore  tone, for all the advice and dir  ction sh
                                                                gave u  for page  layout  and  copy;  Mr . Carol  Mattox for her
                                                                many afternoon on the street  with the adverti  ing  taff selling
                                                                adverti  ement  ;  Mrs.  Ann  Crow  for  her  excellent  and  timel
                                                                typing of copy; and Mrs. Ann Gause for her advice and help in
                                                                all  art  matter .
                                                                  Of cour e,  we  must  recognize  and  thank  Mr .  Lynn  Dowd
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t who  pent  several  hectic  days  taking  creative  and  excellant
                                                                photographs in  less  than  ideal  circum  tances, yet who was al-
                                                                ways  friendly  and  helpful.
                                                                   tud  nts too were out tanding in th  ir contribution  . Editors
                                                                Mary Jean  Atwood and  Lisa  Kirkland  planned the layouts and
                                                                wrote the copy for the majority of the page  , and  usan  Plum-
                                                                mer  and  Becky  Wilcox  gave  u  our cover  de  ign  ideas.  The
                                                                thre  "financial  wizards"  who  sold  the  most  adverti  ements
                                         ey                     were  Bonnie  Gerlach,  Tere  a  Kirwan  and  Walter  Weaver.
                                                                These,  of cour  e,  are  only  a  few  of  the  people  who  contrib-
                                                                uted  significantly  to  the  Falcon.
                                                                  We hope you noticed and  enjoyed the theme of this year'
                                                                Falcon, that the junior high  chool student is  both growing a
                                                                an  individual yet i  also a part of his/her peer group. That'  the
                                                                way  we  see  our  elves  and  we  hope  grown-ups  realize  that
                                                                 uch  growth  is  important  if  we  are  to  develop  into  mature
                          We know                               adults.
                                                                  I would  like to mention that this  is  the first  LCJH  annual  to
              hat you're looking for.                           have  color  pages.  This  does  not  n  cessarily  make  it  the  b  t
                                                                annual ever, but I hope you enjoy it and get some practical or
                                                                sentimental  value  from  it because  that  is  why we made it.

                  315      orth  M arion


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