Page 14 - 1975 Falcon
P. 14
e D dicate the F AL 0 to One
Who a e icated imself to Us
Th 1975 Falconi dedicated to Phillip A. Brownin ,
principal of Lake City Junior High. Hi leadership h
given LCJH tud nts and teacher a afe, whole me
nvironm nt in which to work and I arn.
r. Browning ha lived in Lake City inc 1942, and
taught agriculture, math, and ienc her until 1 59
when h b came the principal of Junior Hi h. H
enjoy b ing with the tudent and is concern d a ut
the well-being of each. He feel esp cially clo e to the
patrol , whom he p onally upervi
r. Browning and his wife, Mrs. Ethel Browning,
head of the Engli h department at LCJH, have two
grown n . In his par time, Mr. Browning enjoy
football game and t nding his farm where he rai
cattl .
A principal, P.A. Browning plays many role , not all
of which are evident to the ca ual observer: teacher,
coun elor, di ciplinarian, administrator, principal, and
friend. He has surely made a Ia ting impre ion on
veral generation of Lake City students.