Page 14 - 1976 Falcon
P. 14
CJH Counselo s Merit FALCO Dedication
The Bicentennial FALCON is dedicated to
Mrs. Ellis and Miss Brown consult with one another over a student's cumulative folder.
two ladies with plenty of spirit in 1976 and
in all years: Miss Vera Brown and Mrs. Vic-
toria Ellis , LCJH 's guidance counselors.
Miss Brown has been at LCJH for 10 years.
Her hobby is landscaping and she enjoys tak-
ing strolls in her spare time. Miss Brown
tries to help each student assume responsi-
bility to become his/her best self. She
enjoys her work and says it is "meaningful
and rewarding. ''
Mrs. Ellis enjoys painting, writing and
needlepoint during her spare time. For the
last year she has been chief negotiator for
the Columbia Education Association. Mrs.
Ellis has worked at LCJH for four years and
values helping people.
The dedication of the FALCON to the
guidance depanment is a small way to show
the students' appreciation for the help given
them by their counselors.
Miss Vera Brown considers career education to be one of her many Mrs. Vicki Ellis relies on many resources to help meet her students'
responsibilities. needs.