Page 27 - 1976 Falcon
P. 27
Office aides accomplish a variety of tasks. They are: Sheila Wetherin ton, D~bbie Lammons, Silvia 0' eal, J n Brann n, Judy
Fair, Yuriko Goodbread, Eddie Carver, Jackie Holden, Cheri Lammons, ancy Kite, Pattie Coon, M lva h, M tt Jon ,
George Fo ter, Debbie Nonh, Dorothy Romine, Susan Boone, Jack Hood, Th lma Gate . Carol Jarvis, Ramona Strickland, Joyc
Mr. Lois Knud en, Mrs. Johnnie Lou Wilson and Principal P. A. Browning supervise patrols. They ar alphab tically: Capt. Staford
Dee c, Lt. Rani Tansey, Lt. Tim Benton, Lt. Darryl Lane, Sgt. David Bates, Sgt. Carla Murray, Sgt. Jack Re d, Sgt. Wanda Wil on,
Cpl. Phil Davis, Cpl. Becky Ellis, Cpl. Ronald Markham, Cpl. Troy Metcalf, Cpl. John onh, Cpl. Tim wen, Cpl. Joyce Wain-
wright, Cpl. Georgeanna Whorley. Patrolmen are: Chuck Bryn~r, Lane Davi , Dawn Dick , Chris Kay, Mark Mathi , David Math w ,
Paul Mears, Joey Owen, John Reed, Kevin Rich, Keith Robinson, Bruce Smith, Blain Wheel r.