Page 150 - 1980 Falcon
P. 150

7 h  ra  e  ome  Eco  om·c

                                                                1st  Row     illetee  Gain  r,  Li  a  Scott,  Donna
                                                                Fr  man, Patricia  ipper, Jerri King,
                                                                2nd Ro  Vonda Hall, Pam Holton, Anita Duncan,
                                                                Chri  ty Elliott, DeDe Brinkley, Buddy Cole,  i  e
                                                                Ant  I,  Ricky Taylor,   ra.  Duke,
                                                                3rd  Row  Tammy  Hembree,  Rhonda          ax  ell,
                                                                Cholri  Darby,  Angie Dubo  e,  Lona  Sammon  ,
                                                                David Falgout, Fran Ford, Patricia  urphy, Del-
                                                                mou     allace, Kendrix Harri  , Jame  Par  .

               gr culture C ub

     Bottom  Row John  Ru  o,  Pam  P  ttyjohn,
     Daryl Ca  on, Advi  or;   r.  Brown.
     2nd  Row  Ronnie  Regi  ter,  David  Brown,
     Georg    Spir  ,     illiam  Thoma  ,  Brent
     R  ym  r,   arren  Scippio,  3rd  Row  Kevin
       urphy, J  ff  Ottinger, John  Alford, Randy
    Thom  ,  Ric  y  Cole,  Jame       Pope,  Ken
      int  r

         Future Farmer  Of

                  America                                           Future  Homemakers

    FF  OHic  ra                                                            Of  America
    Bottom Row G  org  Spirea;  Vice-Pre  i-
    d  nt,  Br  nt  Raym  r;  Secretary,  Ronnie    Front RowSherie Aaron, Sheryl Aaron, Emma Pate, Cynthia
    R  gi  ter; Pr  id  nt                          Land,  Gaylen  Carver,  Sheila  Davia,  Sharon  Porter,  Dora
    Top Row Donni  Thoma  ; Reporter, Ran-          Browning,
    dy  Thoma  ;  S  ntinel,    arr  n  Scippio;    Back  Row  Bennie  Ann  Scott,  Phyllis  Zeighler,  Verdell
    Tr    ur  r.                                    Jones,  Cathy  Smith,     ary  Lewi  ,  Sandy  Johnson,  Lynn
                                                    Wheeler,  Paula  Das  inger,  Pam  Bulthis,  Tina  Harris,  Lisa
    146                                             Bridge  , Stephanie Burnsed, Sponsor; Adelene Williams.
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