Page 158 - 1983 Falcon
P. 158
w pap r
f•t Row: Left to Right: tacl cGe ,
Ann tte Ogden, Leigh Ann Foun·
taln, Lisa Thompson, Lesley Ogd n,
hannon Hall, David Tompkins,
ark Caldwell
2nd Row: Anita Foreman, pon or;
AI xis Pittman, Tanya For man~
r nda olton, cott Thomas, Ike
owdoln, Lisa Workman, Kim Tyr
3rd Row: IIssa ay, Pauline
Magayrl, tephanle Carden,
Chris Garrett, L a Anne Bundy,
Joel Tuck r, Kevin Cain, Randal
Murdock, Joey Potteg n.
Editorial Staff
f•t Row: Left to Right: cott
Thomas, assistant editor; Lesley
Ogd n, Editor; hannon Hall, fea.
ture editor
2nd Row: Tanya Foreman, Busl·
ness Manager; Joel Tucker,
ports Editor
3rd Row: Pauline Magyarl, pho·
tographer; Kevin Cain, photog.
rapher; Lisa Workman, clrcula·
tlon editor.