Page 157 - 1984 Falcon
P. 157

Honor  Society  -             8th Grade
       Row  1  left to  Right:  Ken  Klfkland,  Robert George  Kedra  Ogden.  Latonia Set  Ktm  Parnell,  Mahesh  Setty. Joe  Puerner.  Shannon  Polm
       Row  2:  Mane/a  Cruz.  Ktm  Jones.  Leslte Sktpper. Angela  Podlaszewski,  Staci Pearce, Joel Baxley  Gary  Witt,  Willte  Turpm
       Row  3:  Abby Bankston,  Casey Huggms,  Karen  Ktrkland  Sarah  Moore,  Candy Starlmg  Kns  Lee  Peter Getbteg
       Row  4:  Kelly Cunningham,  Tonya  Wtlltams,  Momca  Godbolt.  Rene  Williams,  Bryan Zechyr,  Ben  Douglas,  Barbara  Caldwell,  Co-Sponsor
       Row  5: Robyn Hughey, Heather Kunnemann, Whitney Beall. Stefame Green. Robyn Hardy, Robm Bowen, Derald Tate, Mrs. Joann Chamberlin,
       Row  6: Julte  Lipthrott, Susan Johnson,  Lynn Feagle,  Michelle  Hart,  Debra Zterke,  Dottie Mosley,  Greg Sconyers  Scott Ray/

                                                                            Ches  Club

                                                              Row lleft to Right: Jenmfer Knight,  Tommy Rachal. Mahesh Setty,
                                                              Joey Knapp, Scott Oder. Stephen  Counts
                                                              Row  2:  Mrs  Persons.  Joel Baxley,  Michael Parnell,  Peter Giebeig,
                                                              Mtke  Earls,  Kevin  Koon
                                                              Row  3:  Staci  McGee,  Rene  Yopp,  Leslie  Sktpper,  Sarah  Moore.
                                                              Wayne  Boyette,  Rusty Noah.  Loren  Hill
                                                              Row 4: Andrew Harlow, Greg Bolkosky, Anthony Webb,  Jim Carignan.
                                                              Steve  Rossiter,  Brian  Raymaker,  Dale  Bretdenbach
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