Page 166 - 1984 Falcon
P. 166
Intermediate Band
Row 1 l eft to Right: Daryl White, Carlos Wilson, Steven Davts, Leslie Weston, Dwayne Edwards, Horace Douglas
Row 2: Stephanie Taylor, Tonya Williams, Marlea DeRosta, Chtp Hale, Satonya Memck, Leslie Carmtchael, Sandra Byrd, Angel Pridgin, Olivia
Mannmg, Me/ante Carver, Kelly Stansel, Pamela Perry, Verneka Watson
Row 4: Carl Gray, Thomas Cox, Carl Lee, Joel Baxley, Chns Ferger, Spencer Cleveland, Davte Graham, Travis Bowles, Bruce Jewel, Alonzo
Tillman, Steve McNeil, Steve Moore, Jeff Adamson
Row 5: Rob Horesosky, Mark Turner, Larry Collms, Trey Parker, Wnght Bloodworth
Row 3: Robbie Register, Stephen Counts, Paul Millard, Scott Ray/, Jenntfer James, Renee Engltsh, Bnan Durham, Rusty Noah
Row lleft to Right: Latoma Set, Jackie Buiey,
Captatn, Amy Aderhold
Row 2: Chandra Combs, Ttaresa Brown Juani-
ta Flucas
Row 3: Laura Sanders, Apnl Prtngle, Lorne
Aderhold, Ltsa Shaw
Row 4: Barbara Fnson, Pamela Crums, Ear-
tetta Parker. Cenecil Harrell
Row 5: Monica Godbolt, Chris Garrett, Co-
Captam, Teresa Ktrby
Row 6: Loretta Melton, Tammy Perry, Mervin
Jones, Advisor, Amy Dockery, Sharon Curry