Page 174 - 1984 Falcon
P. 174
J 0 C- Fir Period
A Company
Row 1 left to Right: Charles Flake, Ruben Gardner. John
Lee. Veromca Smith, Anita Zamoyta, W1ll1am Anderson.
T1mothy Baker
Row 2: T1mothy Bullard, Angela Cage, Robert Cato, Jerry
Conner, Emma Fe gle. Rowena Garcia, Eric Green, Thom-
as Hanley
Row 3: Ernest Howey, Amta Jones. Tammy Leverette. MI-
chael Massey. Rita Mitchell, James Park, Arne Paterson,
Frank Pntchard
Row 4: Alvm Rogers, Anthony Sheppard, Paul Sweet. Paul
Videon, Kenneth Weston, Alonzo Williams, Chen White
Row 5: James Hall. Brenda Lovett, Satonya Mernck. Chns
Royals. Sharon White
JROTC - 2nd Period
8 Comp ny
Row 1 left to Right: James Albntton. Russell Dav1s, Greg-
ory Dunmng, Dav1d Ellis, Theodore Hardmg, Shawn Nelson.
R1chard Sutton
Row 2: Jerry Videon, Barney Alford, Laura Arnold, Jamce
Bellflower. Scott Conklin, Jerry Couchon, Clyde Covey,
Tma DeVires
Row 3: Terry Lmger. Ronald Feagle. John Foust. Lonme
Gunn, James Harper Franklin Campbell, Liziette Johnson,
Bobby Jolley, Curtis Jones, M1chael Jones
Row 4: Franc1s McQueen, Robert Perry, Gregory P1erce,
Thomas Rachal, Liz R1egel, M1ke Rossborough, Scott
Ryals. Melvm Sheppard, Jerold Short
Row 5: Sarah Spain, Betsy Terry, Lisa Thomas, Michael
Trowell. Terrence Watkms, Anthony Wheeler, Medetha
Wh1te. Andrea Young
JROTC - 3rd Period
C Company
Row 1 left to Right: Angela Garcia, Gailon Garlmg, R1chard
Howell, Earl Jenkins, David R1pp/e, Robert Shepard, Amta
Row 2: Eddie Allen, Don Anderson, Darrell Anthony, Rich-
ard Cr_a1go, Chns Dryden, Anthony Ford, Christopher Gei-
Row 3: Thomas Hicks, William Lawhon, William Littleton.
Brenda Perry, Helen Pineo, James Reeves, Tam1 Sandlin,
Mattie Thomas, Tanya Tomczak