Page 191 - 1987 Falcon
P. 191
MAR ADAMSO is currently wandering around yelling, "Momm !"aft r g tting lo tat Walt D1 n y World wh n h
let go of his mother's hand in 1988. JE IFER AMO and TAMMY EADES own a mod ling a n yin w York 1t and
Hollywood, California. DA Y BLET ARD is playing soccer for th U .. A. in th orld Cup. L TO Y BROW 1 a
teacher at Bethune-Cook man College. CA TRI A CAPELL and DO A OUTLAW ar th mal wat h r of th
century and are married to Chippendale model . VALERIE CARTER is a mod I marri d to th pro ba k tb II pia r
Michael Jordan. JESSE CHITTUM is on the GT Freestyle team and owns a skate park in outh rn California. T RE A
CLEMO S is a genetics scientist at the University of Florida. RYSTI COLQUITT and JUDY MOOR ar managin a
condo they own at Ft. Lauderdale. They are throwing parties for all college stud nts during spring br aks. J R MY
COX has donated his body to sex education class at the University of Florida. SHAE CR WS and SHA
were recently put into a mental institution because their hair spray got to their brains. REGI A DAC
FAMU. THERESA DAVIS holds the record for the nation's smallest feet. JE IFER DIC S is a world famous archit ct in
ew York City. Ll DA DICKS is a famous cardiologist in Pontotoc, Mississippi. DAFFE EY DORTLY and VA A
PARKER are famous models and fashion designers in Paris. SIRE A FULGER is a former ew York mod I and d ign r
for Cheryl T. She now owns modeling agencies in 36 states. JOH GAFFORD is finally planning to graduat from hi h
school next year. CAROL GOTT is an interior decorator based in ew York City. PHILLIP HERSHMA is a pro kat r
sponsored by Zorlac and Tracker. He also plays the bass guitar for Metallica. RHO DA HI ES is a famou movi tar
and has won 3 Gram my awards and 2 Oscars. TAMMY HU TER is a lawy r in her own firm. SUMMER JO i a
professional photographer for chippendale male models. JACK LAMB has finally nd d up in a c II with a man nam d
Bubba, who says, "You're my little puppy, now!" JA ICE LA G and JE IE WILCHER own a Bloomingdal . JESSICA
LUKE is one of the greatest dancers on olid Gold. DA IEL MARSEE is the first ever whit basketball play r on th
Harlem Globetrotters. DAW ELSON is a psychiatrist helping hannon, her close fri nd from school. SHERRY
PARKER is a famous drill sargent for the United States Army. RA Dl PHILLIPS has now replac d Madonna as th #1
female rock star in the nation. ROBERT PRIEST races street motorcycles. CHRIS REV OLDS is a prof ssional t t pilot
and lead guitarist for Van Halen II. CARL STE-MARIE is playing on the PGA Tour and winning big tournam nts.
MELISSA TEEMS is living and partying in her condo on the beach while soaking up the ultraviol t rays in h r pink and
green polka dot bikini. SUSA TUTTLE is living in ew York with her husband, Tom Cruise. Tl A VE DITTI is a
gourmet chef in Rome. DEDRA WILKES is a world famous actress living in Hollywood and is marri d to Kirk Cam ron.
RHO DA WILLIAMS is a basket case in ew York. EVA LY WILLIS is a mult-millionare who owns movi studios and
has 5 mansions in London, Paris, L. A., ew York, and Lake City.