Page 192 - 1988 Falcon
P. 192

0  s

                   AB       un  rnithing                              The    ott  Fan1ily

                   Adverti  ing  A    ciate                           Hair  Fa  hion  Ea  t

                     alloon  Heaven                                   Herlong  Hardware  in  Ft.  White

                    Harry  ,  laudette  Bertram                       Al  &  Mary  Hybart

                   J e f.  Pennie,  ,   dy  Bertratn                  Elna John  n

                   The  Ira  Ring                                     John on  &  Johnson  Inc.  (Munchies)

                    Burger  King                                      Keaton'  Bike  &  Hobby

                    Ron  '  Linda  Cole                                The  Todd  Kennon  Fatnily

                     ollin  ,  riff  n,  &  Ro  ier                    Martha Jo  Khachigan

                     on1munity Jeweler                                 Kindergarten  Center

                     ool  Breeze  Mobile  Hon1e  Park                  Kinney'    hoes

                     utting  Attraction                                Lake  City  Athletic

                    Mary  Darby                                        Lake  ity  Office  Supply

                   John  '  B  tti  Dea                                Lake  City  Pharmacy

                    Bill  D  laney                                     Mr.  &  Mrs.  Drew  E.  La\\', Jr.

                    The  Fieldcre  t  tore                             Levin  Residential  Construction

                    Flov.rer  Villa                                    L  &  L Vending

                    A  Friend                                          L  &  M  Lunchwagon

                      a  T  ch  Inc.  in  Lake  Butler                 Mr.  &  Mrs.  G.H.  Lynch

                      ate\vay  Lioness                                 Magnolia  Restaurant

                      ood  Year  Tire  ompany                          George  McKinney
   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197