Page 125 - 1989 Falcon
P. 125

Front:  Amy  wearengin,  u ie  Thomas,  E ther  L e,  Kim  urry,  ubrey  Gi  b ig,
      Pam  ~file ; Ro  2:  Janet  mith,  Michelle  Bor t, Charity  Knight,  M1  y Keaton,
      Brenda  Vinton,  Brandy  Hoffman,  Katrina  Curti  , Mr  . Tina  John  on,  director;  Ro
      3:  Lake  ia  Portee,  Danielle  pring  ,  helly  immon  , Tracie  .\lvarez,  Holly  • 'orri  ,
      Jami  William  , Marlon  Pollock,  Robin  ~1oreno;  ot pictured:  tacie  Fea  el,  Franklin
      Fleming,  ~1i  y Willi  ,  tacey  Wilmore

      Eight  and  ninth  grade  choru  perform  at the  Chri. tma  as  emhly  at  East  Campus.   Front:  Eric  Ba   tt,  Tara  piller  . Yul'fonda  .\11lton,  \1ary  Feagle,  Gretl'hen  Lu('ke\,
                                                                 Erica  Ead1e,  Ja1me  Pendergra  t;  Ro  2:  ~1elina \ e tal,  Chn  tina  HammE'rle,  Kn  t.t
                                                                 \1cAllister,  arah  Hobart,  Renee  Jenkms,  Jac·kie  ·('ott,  \ eronka  Dohngo,  F.rm
                                                                 Pa  chall  Rachel  \1c  lellan:  Row  3:  \1ehin  King,  . onora  Walker,  'l.t  ha  , hadt-<1,
                                                                 Terry  Edwards,  Kim  Edenfield  Kim  Campbell;  ot pi  tur  d:  Robert  Fulton,  'I en•  .1
                                                                 Richardson,  ~1r . Tina  John. on,  director

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