Page 66 - 1989 Falcon
P. 66

Mr.  And  Miss  Lake City  Junior  High

              Drucilla  Lyn  app,  also  known  a  "Dru"  to  her   he  has  b en  a cheerleader  for  eleven  year  .  o,   che  rleader.
            friends,  \\-a  both shocked and surpnsed to be elected   you  gues  ed  it!  One  of  her  hobbie  i  cheering,  and
            by  her  p er  as  the  19  - 9  \1i   Lake  City  Junior   the other is running. \\hen  he i  not doing that,  he   Andrew  Erik  Owen  , a.k.a. Andy  or ju  t "0,"  wa
            High  he did  not think she would  win,  but,  boy,  was   enjoys  listening  to  Bobby  Brown  and  rock  mus1c  or   th1s  year'  ~1r.  Lake City  Jumor High. Like  Drucilla,
            she  \\-rong!                        watching  TV  101.                  he  was  hocked and did  not think  he  would  even get
              Drucllla is  the  fourteen  year old daughter of Levy   Her favorite food  are shrimp and,  typically, pizza.   nommated.
            and  Lau  app   he  is  also  very  active  in  student   And  strangely  enough,  her  favorite  number  is  thir-  Andy i  the  on of Danny and Paula Owen  and he
            activities,  mdudmg president of the  Beta Club,  cap-  teen  becau  e that IS  the number  he wa · given in the   is  fifteen  year  old. He  ays  there  IS  an advantage of
            tain  of  the  cheerleading  team,  and  tudent  council.   seventh  grade  when  he  tried  out  to  be  a  Falcon   being  fifteen  becau  e  now  he  can  drive!
                                                                                       His  school  activitie  mclude  tudent council'  er-
                                                                                     geant  at  arm  , Art  f:lub'  ergeant  at  arm  , Che
                                                                                     Club,  ba  ketball guard, and bas  ball pitcher, catcher,
                                                                                     and  third  ba  eman. And  hi  hobbie  , of cour  e,  are
                                                                                     sports  - but  he  al  o like  to  party!!!
                                                                                       Hi  favorite  food  are  pizza  and  gummi  bear  ,
                                                                                     while his least favorite food  i  cauliflower. Hi  favor-
                                                                                     ite  music  i  plit  between  rock  and  rap,  while  Alf i
                                                                                     both  his favonte TV  how  and actor. Andy'  favorite
                                                                                     number  are 21  and  23,  twenty-three becau  e that i
                                                                                     the number of the 19  slam dunk champion, Michael
                                                                                       Although  Andy  and  Drucilla  are  Mr.  and  Mi
                                                                                     LCJH,  let's  not  forget  the  court.  The  ninth  grader
                                                                                     are  Eric  Boone,  Tas  ie  Eubank,  Mike  Kelly,  Latonya
                                                                                     Jones,  Paul  Ratliff, and Gina Witt.  Eighth grade rep-
                                                                                     resentatives  are  Brian  Cason,  Lisa  Ho  ford,  Georell
                                                                                     Conner, Sharonda Wat  on,  Brian Saunder  , and  April
                                                                                     Millsaps:  and seventh grade  round  it up with Jenni-
                                                                                     fer  Hill,  Matt  Greene,  Kandace  Haygood,  and  Mark

                bove:  Drucilla  take  a claim  to  the e bricks.
                Above  and  right:  Andy  tries  to  convince  the
            student  body  to  elect  h1m  ergeant  at arms. Right:
            Falconette  turn  to  congratulate  Drucilla  and  Andy
                      on  being  elected  Mr.  and Miss  LCJH.

                                                  Freshmen  Superlatives

            BET DRE  ED                         BIGGEST  FLIRT                       BIGGEST  SEMINOLE  FAN
            Lori  Gieb  ig                       Monica Gos                          Drucilla Sapp
            Ricky Bedoya                        Andy Owens                           Mark  Wheeler

            BET MA     ER                       BIGGEST  BULLDOG  FAN                CRAZIEST
            Ta  ie Eubank                       Tracy  Walk                          Debbie  Proveaux
            Greg  Thomp  on                     John  Murray                         Charlie Holli

            BIGGE  T CLA   CLOW                  BIGGEST  GATOR  FAN                 DREAMIEST  EYES
            Lori  Eadie                          Amy Dekle                           Holly Oo  terhoudt
            Ian  Giebeig                         Matt  Power                         Dwayne Wood

                                                                                     FU   IE  T
                                                                                     Elizabeth  Van Ar dall
                                                                                     David  Delgado
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