Page 89 - 1989 Falcon
P. 89

cott  am  ra, Justin  Collin  , Rob  rt  Crawford,  Charlie  Holli  ,   Charli  Holli  had  an  outstanding  ", avt>"  for  tht>  b  II.
                                                     Ri  y B doy  , and  lich  I Le  t  k.

                        Above:  Player  race  for  the  ball.
                        Below:  Jonathan  Baldric  attempt  to  do  a "rainbow."

                                                                       occer  core board

                                                               0-0       at      Buchholz,  9th  grade
                                                 Ti            2-2       at      Fletch{'r  Junior  High        I   ( ',
                                                 \\ on         1-0       at      Gaim•  \ille  High,  . th  grade   r  ('. H
                                                 \\on          :3-0      at      Jeffer on  Davis  Junior  High   [)•('  lfi
                                                 Lo  t         0-2               Gain!.'sv ille  Hip;h,  9th  grad('   .Jan. 6
                                                 Ti            1-1               Buchholz  Jumor  \'ar it\      .Jan. II
                                                 Lo. t         0-2       at      Gaine  \ille  High,  Junior  \'ar it}   J.m. 1a
                                                 Won           6-0               Epi  eopal  Junior  \'ar  it}   .Jan.  I
                                                 Won           6-1               Buchholz.  9th  grade          .Jan. :W
                                                 Third  Plac             at      Gaine  ville  Hip;h  Tourn  ment   .Jan. 21
                                                 Won            -0       at      Epi  topal  Junior  Var  it}   J  n  24
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94