Page 167 - 1990 Falcon
P. 167

P.O. Bo  2097
                                                                                         La  e Ci y


                                                                                      "Built  Better

                                                                                    Backed  longer"

        IMC  Fertilizers                       Nutrena  Feeds

                 GRO- ORE  FAR  SERVICE

                            P.O.  Box  189

                   Alachua, Florida  32615

                            Doug  Crawford

                     Bulk  & Bagged  Fertilizer,  Dolomite
                          Anhydrous  Ammonia

                                                                Krista McCallister, Amy Knesel, Jam1 W1lhams, and Jack1e Moore
                                                                m the  background  don't realize they are  mcluded m th  p1cture
                                                                w1th  Anna  Szturmay  and  Cmdy  Hopper.
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