Page 97 - 1990 Falcon
P. 97


                                                                                           Top  left:  What s up,  Doc? (Dr.Fran

                                                                                           Bottom  left·  Mrs Sally  Moses  and
                                                                                           Tara  Thomas  sho  the  good
                                                                                           relat1onsh1p  that  1s  poss1ble  between
                                                                                           teachers  and  students

                                                                                           Right·  Mr  Charles  Carey  replaced
                                                                                           Mrs  K1tty  McElhaney  as  a math
                                                                                           teacher  when  she  became  the  Pnme
                                                                                           Resource  Teacher.

                                                                                            GLE   ADAMS,East/Wor  Experience
                                                                                            OLIVIA  ADA  S, West 'Library
                                                                                            JACKIE  BAR  ES, East/ISSP
                                                                                            JOSEPH  BEVERLY, East/World  H1story
                                                                                            JOHN  BISHOP, West  Math
                                                                                            A ITA  BLANTO  , East/ESE
                                                                                            JAKE  BRADLEY, East/P.E.

                                                                                            CHARISSE  BUUELLA, East/Foreign  Lang.
                                                                                            JUA  ITA  CALD  Ell, West, P.E.
                                                                                             ARTHA  CARTER, East/ Alternative  Ed.
                                                                                            JU  E CAUSEY, East/English
                                                                                            JOA   CHA  BERLI  , East/World  History
                                                                                            STEVE  CHA  BERLI  , West  Shop
                                                                                            BARBARA  CHEES  A , Ennchment
                                                                                            BOB  CO  Ell, East/ESE
                                                                                            Jl  CO  ER, West  Soc1al  Studies
                                                                                            T  IG  COUEY, EasL Peer  Counseling
                                                                                            CARY  COX, West/  ath
                                                                                            MARGARET  CRAFT, West!Sc1ence
                                                                                            DO  A CU  I  GHA  , East, Math
                                                                                             ARYA   DAVIS, East/Math
                                                                                            PHYLLIS  DU  E, West/Home  Econom1cs
                                                                                            Kl  EASO  , East/Math
                                                                                            VICKY  ELLIS, East, Guidance
                                                                                            DAVID  EVERETT, West/Math
                                                                                            SA    EVERETT  West/English
                                                                                            JA  FLI  T, East/Home  Economics
                                                                                             AURICE  GEIGER, East/Math

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