Page 36 - history-of-military-units-in-columbia-county-fl-(1970)-robert-gary-shields
P. 36
History of Military Units in Columbia County, FL (1970) Robert Gary Shields
Roster - Company I - Dixie Stars
Third Florida Infantry
Name Mustered Remarks
.In Out
8-61 4-65
Jesse S. Wood "X Resigned 5-10-62
Chas. H. Ross x x 2nd Lt, prom Capt. & captured at Nashville
1st Lt?
John I Dozier x x ■
2nd Lt.
G. H. Hunter x Trans, to Co. E, 9th.Regiment
Leroy Smith x Resigned'4-23-63
3rd Lt.
Levi Smith x Promoted 3rd Lt., resigned 4-23-63
Robt.. S. Paschall x x Prom. 9-3-63, wounded 9-20-63
Enlisted Men
Samuel Barber X
F. A. Beaufort X Died in hospital at Ringgold, Ga. *63
Lewis Bleammer X Captured in Jacksonville 3-5-62 at Brick Church
Allen Brinkley X Corporal, killed
James Brown X
James H. Bryan X
J. Madison Bryan X
J. C. Bryant X Mortally wounded at Perryville, Ky.
James R. Calahan X Killed Murfreesboro, 1-2-63
John C. Calahan X
John W. Callahan xT.. Imprisoned at Camp Chase
T. J. Callahan X Imprisoned at Camp Chase Captured at Nashville
Wm. S. Callahan X
J. T. Chastain X Paroled from Camp Chase 6-12-65
Wm H.•Clarke X
Wm. Clemonds X Musician
Absolem Cobb X
Wm. Cook X
Samuel Covington X
James Curry X
James Edwards X
T. B. Ellis X
James J. Fielding X Shot at Murfreesborough Tenn. 12-3-62
David Garganit
Wm Gear
John M. Godfrey X
Osborn W. Grant X
Charles S. Herndon X Sgt. killed at Dallas, Ga. 5-28-64 ■
Daniel Herring X Died in prison
W. W. Herring Joined 5-62
Joseph Hicks X
Wm. Holloway X Wounded 9-20-63
Elijah F. Horn X
J. R. Horn
James A. Hunt X Paroled from prison at Rock Island 5-28-65
Madison Hunt X
Thompson. Hunter X Died in hospital
Theodecius Hurlington x Lost right arm at Chickamuga '63
V.W.A. Hurlingson x Wounded, Pine Mountain 6-14-64
T.A. Huchingson x Lost left hand at Chickamauga 9-20-63
V. W. Huchingson
Henry Inglish x
W. H. Jernigan
Jackson Keene
T. Long
Robt. McCollum Wounded at Chickamauga 9-20-63
Thomas McCoy
John D. McCullum Sergeant
John W. McCullum
John McKensie
Joseph Parker
Jphn G. Peacock
Neil A. Perryman Trsf. to 26th Georgia
Albert Peterson LCH-UUID: 3F68DC49-DCC7-4643-87B9-3E8A717875EF