Page 62 - a-columbia-county-boys-recollections-and-memories-of-columbia-county-florida-(2012)-lenvil-h-dicks
P. 62
A Columbia County Boy's Recollections and Memories of Columbia County Florida (2012) Lenvil H. Dicks
I suddenly became pretty popular in the band, since I suppose now, although I did not realize it then, I
was one of those students who excelled far beyond expectations, and later when I was a High School
Band Director myself 1 can remember having a few students who fit into that category. It was only then
that I realized how impressed Mr. Roberts was with my playing, since I was so proud of those few
students who excelled far beyond the ordinary. LCH-UUID: B423BA50-F22B-4D87-A44C-403308C92982